R&E Networks Offer Value Beyond the Internet

Von Royal

OneNet Executive Director Vonley Royal

When we meet new customers or other organizations, we often discover that they do not know who OneNet is or they think we are a commercial internet service provider. Times like this give us an opportunity to share the story of OneNet and the value we bring to our state.

OneNet is a division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. We’re also Oklahoma’s research and education network-often referred to as an R&E network. As an R&E network, we’re uniquely designed to serve Oklahoma’s researchers, higher education institutions, health care providers, private research entities, as well as federal grant recipients.

When organizations choose to participate in an R&E network, they are not just choosing an internet service provider. They are choosing to be a part of a network that brings value to its customers unlike any other.

What is the value of choosing an R&E network? The following four areas demonstrate OneNet’s value to the customers we serve, as well as our great state.


Customers who choose OneNet are choosing a network they can trust. OneNet has provided connectivity in Oklahoma for more than 20 years. We have a long history of serving organizations from higher education to K-12 schools, libraries and hospitals. In addition, as a division of the State Regents, we can be trusted to make decisions that are in the best interest of those we serve. We are not about making a profit. We look for ways to drive down costs for customers and improve access to broadband connectivity across our state.

Value Added Meter

Superior Network Performance

OneNet offers a superior network experience. Our dedicated network is not available to the general public or private corporations. This means our customers’ data doesn’t compete with the data of the big box store down the street. We provide seamless connections for peer organizations and synchronous connectivity options. Our network is designed with redundant network paths that ensure reliability and availability. OneNet also provides exclusive access to Internet2’s nationwide 100Gbps network, which is an ultra-fast internet highway for research and education traffic traversing across the country and around the globe.

Expert Engineering Support

When I tell others about OneNet’s engineering team, I am quick to share that we have the best engineering team in the state. Our engineers ensure our network is designed to best meet customers’ connectivity requirements and to provide exceptional performance. We constantly monitor the network and often alert customers to issues before they’re aware there are any. Our engineers also offer 24/7 customer support. Regardless of whether it’s a business day, a weekend or a holiday, our support team is available to respond to customer support requests and to keep our customers connected so they can serve their communities.

Cybersecurity InitiativesCybersecurity Locks

Cybersecurity is a top priority at OneNet. We have implemented security initiatives that keep both our network and our customers’ external connections secure. We deploy new distributed denial of service (DDoS) tactics to mitigate three or more DDoS attacks a week on our customers’ networks-often stopping attacks before customers feel the effects on their connectivity speed. We also provide alerts on potential cybersecurity issues, so customers can keep their internal networks safe as well.

Above all, OneNet is a committed partner in advancing technology across Oklahoma. Through the value we bring, we want to ensure that every student has access to digital learning opportunities, every patient has access to health care in their communities and every researcher can collaborate on global projects that are changing lives.

As we reach these goals and consistently set even higher objectives to improve the future of of our state, we’re one step closer in achieving our mission as Oklahoma’s R&E network. Now that you know the value we bring, I hope you will join us as a partner in this mission to connect Oklahoma to the world-class network it deserves.


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