Email Preferences

Please note the email address in the field below, and ensure it is the address desired to adjust preferences.

Check (subscribe) or uncheck (unsubscribe) each box below to indicate your preference of receiving email communications for these lists.

WARNING: clicking the "Opt out from all email communications" link will remove you from ALL Internet2 Communications through this system (including important event information, program information and news). Consider adjusting your subscription to types of communications instead to receive only the most important information for you.

Opt out from all email communications (WARNING: clicking this link removes you from ALL Internet2 Announcement Communications)

NOTE: Due to security measures, it isn’t possible to make changes to the email field on this page—only the communication preferences checkboxes. If you are attempting to change the email address populated in the email address field, or attempting to enter a new email address, please visit this page to make changes to email address and then proceed to the email preferences center. For any problems or questions, contact

Certain communications from Internet2 are necessary for certain operational or business matters. Individuals in key roles will not be able to remove themselves from the lists used for these communications.

Internet2 email list preferences not included here may be migrated to this email preferences center in the future. In the interim, please follow preference links at the bottom of each email to modify list preferences.