
CLASS Certification Learning Pathway Instructor Insights: Getting GCP Professional Cloud Architect Certification-Ready

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By Apryl Motley - Technical Writer & Communications Lead, Internet2 Trust and Identity/NET+ Service

With our next cohort of Google Cloud Platform Professional Cloud Architect Certification Training coming up May 22 –July 24, 2023, we asked instructor Kenny Moore, virtualization & cloud administrator at the University of Michigan, to share his insights on its benefits.

What do you hope attendees will learn from the GCP cloud architect certification training?

I hope that attendees get more familiar with the technologies, services, and solutions available in Google Cloud, but I also hope they understand why to choose a solution based on it being the best option to solve the problem and meet their business justification.

Why are these important topics to cover?

Understanding the customer/business use-case and the technical options available allows us to design the best, most cost-effective solution.

Kenny Moore
Kenny Moore

Fun Facts about Kenny
Favorite Book:
The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Best Advice He Ever Received about the Cloud (& from whom):
It’s someone else’s datacenter, and you’re being charged for everything you do and use. It’s up to you to be creative and efficient (and secure) with how you use it (from a former colleague and mentor from a previous job).
What do you enjoy most about facilitating the training?

As a trained educator and a person who loves technology, I look forward to meeting with others to see where they are, what they are hoping to learn, and find a path to get them there.

What’s the #1 reason people should attend GCP cloud architect certification training?

To expand not only their knowledge of Google Cloud and cloud in general, but to think more “cloud-like” and see how these solutions or similar strategies may help shape the future for their organizations.

There’s still time to join our insightful instructor for GCP Professional Cloud Architect Certification Training, May 22 –July 24, 2023.