Trust and Identity Newsletter – December 2018

In this issue:

  • Community Rallies Around Baseline Expectations
  • Community Success Partners Reboots for 2019
  • InCommon BaseCAMP Coming August 13-15
  • InCommon Metadata Signing Limited Over Holidays
  • Comodo, InCommon Certificate Service Partner, Becomes Sectigo
  • Events, fun facts and social media

Trust and Identity at Internet2 includes the InCommon Federation, InCommon Certificate Service, the TIER software and campus practices program, eduroam roaming wireless, and other programs. For details, see Trust and Identity.

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logos for InCommon Federation, InCommon Certificates, eduroam and TIER

News & Blog Posts

Community Rallies Around Baseline Expectations

community thumbs up graphicThe community has made significant progress in meeting Baseline Expectations—from just 13% of InCommon participating organizations in February to 80% today. Read more about this tremendous collaborative effort.

Community Success Partners Reboots for 2019

reboot symbol in InCommon blue and greenOrganizations interested in adopting one or more components in the InCommon Trusted Identity Platform (formerly known as TIER) are invited to apply for the 2019 Community Success Partners program, in which organizations help one-another with adoption and have access to subject matter experts and training opportunities. Check out the summary of the 2018 experiences, too.

InCommon BaseCAMP Coming August 13-15

tents on campground with starry sky aboveThose involved in identity management architecture or operations will gather at InCommon BaseCAMP on August 13-15, 2019, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The new meeting/workshop is for those new to InCommon and/or identity management, those focused on identity management operations, and those looking to adopt the InCommon Trusted Access Platform (formerly TIER).

Comodo, InCommon Certificate Service Partner, Becomes Sectigo

Comodo is now Sectigo graphic with logosComodo is rebranding itself as Sectigo. While at the moment there is nothing InCommon Certificate Service subscribers need to do, the location of the knowledge base and other resources will become migrating to a new home.

InCommon Metadata Signing Limited Over Holidays

happy holidays graphicInternet2 offices will be closed December 24, 2018 - January 2, 2019. The last day of the regular daily metadata signing is Friday, December 21, 2018. InCommon will sign metadata once during the closure, on Thursday, December 27, at approximately noon ET. Daily metadata signing will resume on January 2, 2019, at 3 pm ET.

We encourage InCommon Federation participants to refrain from making any significant changes to infrastructure (or to metadata) during this time. Given that our offices will be closed, we will have limited ability to help correct any problems. Thank you for your support of InCommon!

Key Internet2 identity initiatives are supported in part by National Science Foundation grants. For more information, see specific software sites.

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